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Online Self-Paced Training

Available Now

Coming Soon

Creating Accessible Documents (Advanced)

A11yPals’ Creating Accessible Documents (Advanced) focuses on the tricky document content such as graphs, statistics, Big Data, Easy English and more.

Price: $200

WCAG Deep Dive


Price: $250

WAI-ARIA Deep Dive

Get your hands dirty with activities creating both brilliant and terrible code, WAI_ARIA Deep Dive will teach you how to distinguish between the two.

Price: $250

Instructor Led Training

Instructor lead courses are for a maximum of 10 students and can be offered on-siteor virtually. If additional customisations for student numbers are required to the course please contact us for a no-obligation quote.   

WCAG Deep Dive for Everyone

This provides an extensive breakdown of the WCAG which is suitable for all users including those with no previous knowledge of experience and people wanting to see real-life scenarios. 

Price: $2,500

Establishing an Employee Resource Group

Setting up an Employee Resource Group (ERG) or Disability Employee Network (DEN) can be daunting. Learn how to succeed in this online self-paced course.

Price: $450

Governing Principles of Digital Accessibility

The Governing Principles of Digital Accessibility is a beginner level course for managers, marketing teams, HR, product owners and more. It introduces you to the principles and their high level functions.  

Price: $450

WCAG-Evaluation Method, Auditing and Conformance

This course will teach you the WCAG-Evaluation Method (WCAG-EM) so you are comfortable auditing or know what to ask from external auditors

Price: $500

Assistive Technology for Testing and Development

This is a hands on lab where users will be taught how to user multiple assistive technologies across PC and mobile technologies.

Price: $3,500

Creating Accessible Documents

This is a cut down offering of the self-paced online course. It is designed for busy people with less time to allocate to training. By the end of this course you will have mastered the basics of creating accessible Microsoft Office documents. Creating Accessible Documents

Price: $1,500

Establishing Accessibility Strategy

If your organisation is new to focusing on accessibility or it is time to review your policies and procedures A11yPals can help. We will get you confidently writing your first (or renewed) Access and Inclusion Plan. 

Price: $500

Assistive Technology Advanced Techniques (Interactive Labs)

Already used a few assistive technologies but want to learn more advanced features? Perhaps you are branching out to voice control or need confidence turning on a screen reader curtain. This course course is also great for organisations which have locked down systems and can’t install on your tech. 

Price: $3,500