
+61 439 645 180


While I do attempt to make my site accessible there are still some known accessibility issues around my site which I am currently prioritizing. If you do find any content which is not accessible for you, please do reach out so I can prioritize it in my updates and I can also provide you separate versions of the content in more accessible form. Please contact me via the Contact Us page or alternatively directly at

Known accessibility and user experience issues

The following issues are known and are being investigated.

  • Link to my LinkedIn profile in the navigation menu and footer is unlabeled and requires adjustments to my theme to correct.
  • Tables currently do not resize/reflow as necessary. This is particularly prominent on the “Free or Low Cost Accessibility Tools to Support Digital Accessibility” blog article. I am looking to provide an updated version of this article with new tools as well as improved user experience.
  • Some content is outside of landmarks.
  • Navigation menu while functional could use some improvement.
  • Some breadcrumbs are incorrect. Currently I am playing “spot the inconsistency” with these. If you find one which is not correctly please do let me know.